

Recognizing FASD Warriors

Recognizing FASD Warriors was part of The Florida Center for Early Childhood’s promotion of National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month, which takes place ... continue reading

Centering Kids Podcast: The Invisible Disability

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, or FASD, is often called the invisible disability because most individuals affected have no physical traits. Despite being more prevalent ... continue reading

How I ‘Eliminated the Unnecessary’ for my Child with Special Needs

By guest columnist Kayce Cole  Hi. I’m Kayce. My husband and I have one son, Sam, who we adopted from Russia when he was ... continue reading

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: a Prevalent and Invisible Disability

by Sandy Chase, guest blogger  A mother holds her child who was diagnosed with FASD at The Florida Center for Early Childhood. Knowing about ... continue reading